武士 发表于 2023-4-8 15:07:35

外语原版纪录片《 Film Noir: Bringing Darkness to Light /黑色电影:将黑暗带入光明》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载


外语原版纪录片《 Film Noir: Bringing Darkness to Light /黑色电影:将黑暗带入光明》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

Film Noir: Bringing Darkness to Light


黑色电影深入人心;它令人迷惑,有趣和迷人。 Noir 将我们带入一个充满病态的坚韧不拔的地下世界,让我们近距离窥视其强硬、诡计多端的贵妇人、恶作剧的不合群人和有缺陷的男人——所有人都陷入了扭曲命运的邪恶之网。
黑色电影是一个不幸的孤独者,一个堕落的天使,一个可以杀人的眼神。这是一种情绪和威胁,小预算和大想象力。它是凄凉的,毫不留情,一巴掌划过清风,拿来喜欢。这是一群穿着风衣的 PI、硬汉、阴谋家、狡猾的人和有钱人。它只有一颗星星。 “黑色电影的明星是命运,”Carol Littleton(Body Heat 的编辑)解释说。 “它只是没有得到银幕信用。”
来自黑色经典和鲜为人知的宝石的片段,加上对现代黑色电影爱好者的采访,如导演克里斯托弗诺兰和弗兰克米勒,作家詹姆斯艾尔罗伊和布莱恩赫尔格兰等人塑造了这部对 ha 电影风格的多方面探索第二次世界大战后生活的真实情况。犯罪故事和黑色电影有什么区别?第一部黑色电影是什么?答案很有趣。和黑色的核心。接受并喜欢它。
由 Gary Leva 制作和导演; Leva Filmworks, Inc. Production for Turner Entertainment Co. / Warner Bros. Entertainment Company
-- 第 2 部分是特殊功能,5 部复古“犯罪不付钱”米高梅选集犯罪电影系列短片,从 1935 年到 1947 年:奥斯卡提名影片“禁行”,导演。 Fred Zinnemann (1941),《他手中的枪》,导演。约瑟夫·洛西(1945 年),奥斯卡提名人“世界上最幸运的人”,导演。约瑟夫·纽曼 (Joseph M. Newman) (1947),《躲藏的女人》,导演。约瑟夫·纽曼 (1940),“人民”,导演。罗伊·罗兰 (1940)。 --

视频编解码器:x264 CABAC High@L4
视频比特率:2218 Kbps
每秒帧数:29.970 fps
音频比特率:192 kb/s CBR 48000 Hz
每个零件的运行时间:1 小时 7 分钟 - 1 小时 43 分钟
零件尺寸:1.14 GB - 1.70 GB
来源:DVD(感谢 JBinUp@a.b.boneless)


Film Noir: Bringing Darkness to Light,American Cinema,Barbara Stanwyck - Fire and Desire,Dirty Harry Documentaries,Documentary,Hollywood: A Celebration of the American Silent Film,Howard Hawks: American Artist,Italian Noir: The Story of Italian Crime Fiction,Los Angeles Film Noir,Nordic Noir: The Rise of Scandi-Drama,Samuel Fuller

Arts,No narration,Warner,2006,English


General Information:
Arts Documentary with no narrationpublished by Warner in 2006- English language

Film Noir burrows into the mind; it's disorienting, intriguing and enthralling. Noir brings us into a gritty underworld of lush morbidity, providing intimate peeks at its tough, scheming dames, mischievous misfits and flawed men - all caught in the wicked web of a twisted fate.
Film noir is a hardluck loner, a slumming angel, a look that can kill. It is a mood and menace, small budgets and a big imagination. It is bleak, unsparing, a slap across the breezer, take it and like it. It is a parade of trenchcoated PIs, tough cookies, schemers, weasels and moneymen. And it has a single star. "The star of film noir is fate," explains Carol Littleton (editor of Body Heat). "It just doesn't get a screen credit."
Clips from noir classics and little-known gems, plus interviews with modern noir aficionados like directors Christopher Nolan and Frank Miller, writers James Ellroy and Brian Helgeland and others shape this multifaceted exploration of the movie style that grew out of the hard realities of post-World War II life. What is the difference between crime stories and noir? What was the first film noir movie? The answers are intriguing. And noir to the core. Take it and like it.
Bringing Darkness to Light is the definitive Film Noir documentary, exploring the roots of the genre, its expressions and meanings, and its influence on world cinema. Lavishly illustrated with clips from great Noir classics, the film explores the genre through interviews with filmmakers, actors, and writers such as Sydney Pollack, Paul Schrader, Christopher Nolan, Michael Madsen, Gordon Willis, William Goldman and James Ellroy.
Produced and Directed by Gary Leva; Leva Filmworks, Inc. Production for Turner Entertainment Co. / Warner Bros. Entertainment Company
-- Part #2 is Special Features, 5 Vintage "Crime Does Not Pay" MGM anthology crime film series of shorts that ran from 1935-1947: Oscar Nominee "Forbidden Passage", dir. Fred Zinnemann (1941), "A Gun in His Hand", dir. Joseph Losey (1945), Oscar Nominee "The Luckiest Guy in the World", dir. Joseph M. Newman (1947), "Women in Hiding", dir. Joseph M. Newman (1940), "You the People", dir. Roy Rowland (1940). --

Technical Specs
Video Codec: x264 CABAC High@L4
Video Bitrate: 2 218 Kbps
Video Resolution: 720x540
Display Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Frames Per Second: 29.970 fps
Audio Codec: AC3
Audio Bitrate: 192 kb/s CBR 48000 Hz
Audio Streams: 2
Audio Languages: english
RunTime Per Part: 1 h 7 min - 1 h 43 min
Number Of Parts: 2
Part Size: 1.14 GB - 1.70 GB
Source: DVD (Thanks to JBinUp@a.b.boneless)
Encoded by: DocFreak08


外语原版纪录片《 Film Noir: Bringing Darkness to Light /黑色电影:将黑暗带入光明》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载


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