武士 发表于 2023-4-8 15:12:19

外语原版纪录片《 Worlds Greatest Warships /世界上最伟大的战舰》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载


外语原版纪录片《 Worlds Greatest Warships /世界上最伟大的战舰》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

Worlds Greatest Warships

由罗伯特·沃尔斯滕霍姆主持,Channel 5 于 2019 年出版的技术、战争纪录片- 英文旁白

从 HMS Dreadnought 到 USS Enterprise,从 Tirpitz 到 Ark Royal,这些船只参加了历史上一些最伟大的海战,例如日德兰、硫磺岛、古巴导弹危机、越南、珍珠港、韩国、沙漠风暴、和北大西洋海战。
由 Theo Williams 制作和导演的系列; Channel 5 的 IWC 万国表媒体制作


第一集讲述了在第二次世界大战海战中发挥重要作用的巨型战列舰——希特勒的残暴巨兽俾斯麦号和提尔皮茨号的故事。俾斯麦号于1939年在汉堡建造,是德国海军的一艘战列舰,与姊妹舰提尔皮茨号组成俾斯麦级。当它于 1940 年 8 月在恩斯特·林德曼船长的指挥下服役时,它被认为是世界上最大、最强大的战列舰。俾斯麦不仅是一种军事武器,更是一种身份的象征。这艘船既反映了德国海军力量的新崛起,也反映了该国的技术成就。 1940年8月服役,1941年5月,俾斯麦号被派往北大西洋与重巡洋舰欧根亲王一起在那里发动贸易战。在这次任务开始后不久,她就在丹麦海峡成功击沉了英国战列巡洋舰胡德号。但三天后,也就是 1941 年 5 月 27 日,纳粹海军的骄傲号在猫捉老鼠横渡大西洋后被英国舰队击沉。如今,俾斯麦号是德国海军最著名的舰船之一,因此成为众多文学作品、专业和技术研究以及模型展示的主题。


在 20 世纪,建造了巨大的战舰,设计师们希望用这些战舰在公海上赢得战斗。这一集的重点是必须在第一次世界大战的海战中证明自己的巨大建筑。大战中期,200多艘战舰在斯卡格拉克海战中展开了一场决定性的海战。有一种新型的船在使用中引起了广泛的关注d 破坏并遭受重创,但仍然漂浮并到达基地进行维修。这些战争机器开启了改变世界的军备竞赛。他们是无畏舰。从 1906 年开始,涡轮动力大炮无畏舰彻底改变了公海规则。在接下来的 35 年里,无畏舰统治着全世界的海浪。在档案录像和专家访谈的帮助下,展示和分析了可怕的战争机器。



视频编解码器:x264 CABAC High@L4
视频码率:3 706 kb/s
每秒帧数:25.000 fps
音频编解码器:AAC (LC)
音频比特率:124 kb/s VBR 48000 Hz
每个零件的运行时间:45 分钟
零件尺寸:1.21 GB
来源:HDTV(感谢 LiNKLE & UND厄贝利)


Worlds Greatest Warships,21st Century Warship,Battleship Scharnhorst,Battle of Jutland: The Navy's Bloodiest Day,Bismarck: 24 Hours to Doom,Destroyer: Forged in Steel,Documentary,History Classics: Hero Ships,Hitlers Suicide Ship,HMS Belfast: Steel Fortress,James Cameron's Expedition : Bismarck

Technology,War,Robert Wolstenholme,Channel 5,2019,English,Naval Warfare


General Information:
Technology, War Documentary hosted by Robert Wolstenholme, published by Channel 5 in 2019- English narration

This three part documentary series charts the history of the warship from the dawn of the twentieth century to the present day and in doing so tells the story of the most iconic ships of all time, and looks at the engineering breakthroughs that allowed them to become genuine game-changers and play leading roles in the greatest naval battles of the past century. Each episode focus on a specific class of vessel: Dreadnoughts, Word War II Destroyers and Aircraft Carriers.
From HMS Dreadnought to USS Enterprise, from Tirpitz to Ark Royal these are ships that took part in some of the greatest naval battles in history, such as Jutland, Iwo Jima, The Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, Pearl Harbour, Korea, Desert Storm, and the Battle of the North Atlantic.
In each episode, we focus on one important class of warship; from the great leviathans of the Second World War to WWI's Dreadnoughts, ending with the aircraft carrier. The series features expert interviews, original filming aboard existing ships, stunning archive footage, exclusive access to original ships plans and computer-generated animations of long-lost ships.
Series Produced & Directed by Theo Williams; An IWC Media Production for Channel 5

Hitler's Greatest Warship: Bismarck

The first episode focuses on the story of the giant battleships that played a vital role in the naval battles of the Second World War – Hitler's brutal leviathans, Bismarck and Tirpitz. Bismarck, built in Hamburg 1939, was a battleship of the German Navy and formed the Bismarck class with her sister ship Tirpitz. When it was commissioned in August 1940 under the command of Captain Ernst Lindemann, it was considered the world's largest and most powerful battleship. The Bismarck was not just a military weapon, it was a status symbol. The ship reflected both the new rise of German naval power and the country's technological achievements. It was put into service in August 1940, and in May 1941, the Bismarck was sent to the North Atlantic together with the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen to wage a trade war there. Soon after the start of this mission, she succeeded in sinking the British battlecruiser Hood in the Denmark Strait. But three days later, on May 27, 1941, the pride of the Nazi Navy was sunk by a British fleet after a cat and mouse chase across the Atlantic. Today, the Bismarck is one of the best-known ships in the German Navy and is therefore the subject of numerous literary works, specialist and technical studies, and model representations.

The Mighty Dreadnoughts: Monster Warships of WWI

In the 20th century, huge warships were built with which the designers wanted to win battles on the high seas. This episode focuses on the gigantic constructions that had to prove themselves in the naval battles of the First World War. In the middle of the Great War, more than 200 warships clashed in a decisive sea battle in the Battle of Skagerrak. There was a new type of ship in use that caused widespread destruction and took heavy hits, but still stayed afloat and made it to the base for repairs. These war machines started the arms race that changed the world. They were dreadnoughts. From 1906, the turbine-powered, big-gun Dreadnoughts revolutionised the rules of the high seas. For the next 35 years, Dreadnoughts ruled the waves worldwide. With the help of archive footage and expert interviews, the fearsome war machines are presented and analyzed.

The Aircraft Carrier: Ark Royal and the Carrier Giants

Aircraft carrier rose to prominence during WWII, but the story begins with very British experimentation in WWI. This eventually led to the first purpose-built carrier, Ark Royal, which went on to battle the mighty Bismarck when war broke out again. But the story continues in the present day, as the forthcoming Queen Elizabeth-class carriers, when they enter service will be the most technologically advanced carriers on the planet. The final episode of the series focuses on the history of the aircraft carrier, which has played a vital role in nearly every British and American military engagement since the Second World War. In the US Navy, the USS Enterprise was a fleet aircraft carrier and became the decisive weapon in World War II. The giant also played an important strategic role in the Cold War. The aircraft carrier grew from a humble vessel into a major weapon in World War II, a tool of political and military strategy during the Cold War, and a ship that may rule the waves for decades to come. Giant aircraft carriers are still today the most complex and expensive results of design and engineering.

Technical Specs
Video Codec: x264 CABAC High@L4
Video Bitrate: 3 706 kb/s
Video Resolution: 1920x1080
Display Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Frames Per Second: 25.000 fps
Audio Codec: AAC (LC)
Audio Bitrate: 124 kb/s VBR 48000 Hz
Audio Streams: 2
Audio Languages: english
RunTime Per Part: 45 min
Number Of Parts: 3
Part Size: 1.21 GB
Source: HDTV (Thanks to LiNKLE & UNDERBELLY)
Encoded by: DocFreak08


外语原版纪录片《 Worlds Greatest Warships /世界上最伟大的战舰》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载


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thanks. a lot

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