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外语原版纪录片《 Miriam Margolyes: Australia Unmasked /Miriam Margolyes:揭开澳大利亚面纱》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载









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外语原版纪录片《 Miriam Margolyes: Australia Unmasked /Miriam Margolyes:揭开澳大利亚面纱》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

外语原版纪录片《 Miriam Margolyes: Australia Unmasked /Miriam Margolyes:揭开澳大利亚面纱》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

Miriam Margolyes: Australia Unmasked

BBC 2023 年出版的旅行纪录片,由 Miriam Margolyes 主持- 英文旁白

Miriam Margolyes 的使命是探索澳大利亚独特的“公平竞争”精神——这是她近十年前成为公民时发誓要坚持的精神。作为澳大利亚生活的决定性特征,这一核心价值观促进了所有人的平等机会——无论您的背景、阶级、种族或信仰如何。

第 1 章:塔斯马尼亚
米丽亚姆·玛戈莱斯 (Miriam Margolyes) 在塔斯马尼亚州卢特鲁维塔 (Lutruwita) 的前罪犯定居点开始了她的冒险之旅,她质疑如何在这样的地方开始“公平审判”。当她从北到南蹒跚前行时,米里亚姆面临着塔斯马尼亚丰富的历史的复杂性。
从殖民地澳大利亚和土著人民之间的对立,到该州在 LGBTQIA+ 权利方面的保守历史,Miriam 探索真相,同时会见那些仍在为公平竞争而斗争的人。一路上,她遇到了原住民活动家迈克尔曼塞尔,与独立政治家杰奎兰比卷入了一场公路杀戮,并与该州令人震惊的文盲问题

作为澳大利亚人,Miriam Margolyes 一直喜欢的一件事就是成为一个不受阶级统治的国家的一部分。但她越来越怀疑这不是故事的全部。
Miriam 一直对这些矛盾保持警惕,她想了解澳大利亚的阶级是什么样的——以及它在多大程度上影响了我们的期望和机会。为了回答这个问题,Miriam 穿越了维多利亚州并跨越了阶级鸿沟——参加马球比赛和 bogan 职业倦怠。

第 3 章:南澳大利亚
作为一名 80 岁的女性,米里亚姆从未感到如此脆弱。她自己的处境让她担心当今社会中最弱势群体的公平待遇。
在旅程的最后一站,Miriam 穿越了南澳大利亚州。一路上,她与消除了年龄歧视,在裸体俱乐部度过了令人大开眼界的时光,并发现了生活仍悬而未决的弱势个人和社区。

视频编解码器:x265 CABAC Main@L4
视频比特率:CRF 22 (~2529Kbps)
帧速率:25 FPS
音频比特率:128Kbps CVBR 48KHz(210Kbps 峰值)
运行时间:3 x 58 分钟
部分数量:1(3 章)
零件尺寸:3.23 GB
来源:HDTV (1080i/h264 4923Kbps VBR 6.86GB)


Miriam Margolyes: Australia Unmasked,Documentary,Miriam and Alan: Lost in Scotland,Miriam Margolyes: Almost Australian Series 1,Miriam Margolyes: Up for Grabs,The Importance of Being Miriam,JungleBoy,BBC,English,Miriam Margolyes,Travel

Travel,Miriam Margolyes,BBC,2023,English


General Information:
Travel Documentary hosted by Miriam Margolyes, published by BBC in 2023- English narration

Miriam Margolyes is on a mission to explore the unique Australian ethos of the 'fair go' – something she swore to uphold when she became a citizen nearly ten years ago. Embraced as a defining feature of Australian life, this core value promotes equal opportunity for all - no matter your background, class, race or creed.

Chapter 1: Tasmania
Miriam Margolyes begins her adventure in the former penal settlement of Lutruwita, Tasmania, questioning how a 'fair go' could have begun in a place like this. As she bumbles her way from north to south, Miriam is confronted with the complexities of Tasmania's rich history.
From the dichotomy between colonial Australia and indigenous peoples to the state's conservative past with LGBTQIA+ rights, Miriam navigates truths while meeting those still fighting for a fair go. Along the way, she encounters indigenous activist Michael Mansell, tucks into some road kill with independent politician Jacqui Lambie, and comes face to face with the state's shocking illiteracy issues.
As she begins to reveal her own personal battles along this journey, Miriam discovers that the fair go is an ideal worth fighting for.

Chapter 2: Victoria
One of the things Miriam Margolyes has always loved about being Australian is being part of a nation that isn't ruled by class. But she increasingly suspects that's not the whole story.
Ever alert to the contradictions, Miriam wants to understand what class looks like in Australia – and how much it shapes our expectations and opportunities. To answer this question, Miriam travels through the state of Victoria and across the class divide – attending polo matches and bogan burnouts.

Chapter 3: South Australia
As an 80-year-old woman, Miriam has never felt more vulnerable. And her own situation has left her concerned about the fair go for the most vulnerable in society today.
On this last leg of her journey, Miriam travels through the state of South Australia. Along the way, she tackles ageism, experiences an eye-opening stay at a nudist club, and discovers vulnerable individuals and communities whose lives still hang in the balance.

Technical Specs
Video Codec: x265 CABAC Main@L4
Video Bitrate: CRF 22 (~2529Kbps)
Video Resolution: 1920x1080
Video Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Frame Rate: 25 FPS
Audio Codec: AAC-LC
Audio Bitrate: 128Kbps CVBR 48KHz (210Kbps peak)
Audio Channels: 2
Run-Time: 3 x 58 mins
Number Of Parts: 1 (3 chapters)
Part Size: 3.23 GB
Source: HDTV (1080i/h264 4923Kbps VBR 6.86GB)
Encoded by: JungleBoy


外语原版纪录片《 Miriam Margolyes: Australia Unmasked /Miriam Margolyes:揭开澳大利亚面纱》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载



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上一篇:外语原版纪录片《 Living by the Sea along Kyushu's Southern Coast /生活在九州南部海岸的海边》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载
下一篇:外语原版纪录片《 My Cornwall with Fern Britton Series 1 /我的康沃尔与 Fern Britton 系列 1》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

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