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外语原版纪录片《 Oti Mabuse: My South Africa /Oti Mabuse:我的南非》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载









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纪录片资源站-高清纪录片下载:外语原版纪录片《 Oti Mabuse: My South Africa /Oti Mabuse:我的南非》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

外语原版纪录片《 Oti Mabuse: My South Africa /Oti Mabuse:我的南非》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

Oti Mabuse: My South Africa

BBC 2022 年 Kim Maddever 主持的社会政治纪录片- 英文旁白

每个人都认识来自 Strictly 舞池的 Oti Mabuse,但她在英国的舞蹈成名经历了漫长的旅程。它始于南非的乡镇。奥蒂回到她童年的家,重温那些激励她成为今天的舞者和女人的人和地方。
她在约翰内斯堡接受了新的音乐和舞蹈风格,探索了乡镇年轻人发起的突破性的 Amapiano 运动。她情绪激动地绕道去了太阳城这个巨大的度假胜地——在英国人的心目中与过度的种族隔离制度联系在一起——但到了奥蒂,她意识到自己可以成为国际明星的舞池所在地。
她在一个鸵鸟养殖场停下来会见生活和前景截然不同的南非荷兰语农民k给她的。从那里,她继续向西行进,与一位摆脱了该国过去的期望的女性会面:该国第一位女性黑人酿酒师。通过教育和努力工作,Ntsiki Biyela 从一个清洁工成长为主要出口商,并成为一个非常保守行业的开拓者。
奥蒂在开普敦结束了她的旅行,那里是她二姐菲梅洛的家:马布斯三姐妹中唯一没有参与舞蹈并留在南非的。在开普敦,奥蒂 (Oti) 访问了罗本岛 (Robben Island),并反思了纳尔逊·曼德拉 (Nelson Mandela) 及其国家过去的政治领导人的遭遇。她反思了黑暗的历史,作为“天生自由”的一代人,她从来没有亲身经历过。

视频编解码器:x265 CABAC Main@L4
视频比特率:CRF 21 (~2635Kbps)
帧速率:25 FPS
音频比特率:128Kbps CVBR 48KHz(199Kbps 峰值)
零件尺寸:1.12 GB
来源:高清电视 (1080i/h264 4757Kbps 可变比特率 2.22GB)


Oti Mabuse: My South Africa,Best of Travel: South Africa,Blasian Love in South Africa,Documentary,Hugh Masekela: Welcome to South Africa,South Africa: An Aerial Journey,South Africa in Pictures,South Africa Revealed,South Africa Walks (BBC),JungleBoy,2022

Sociopolitical,Kim Maddever,BBC,2022,English


General Information:
Sociopolitical Documentary hosted by Kim Maddever, published by BBC in 2022- English narration

Everyone knows Oti Mabuse from the dance floor of Strictly, but hers has been a long journey to achieve dancing fame in the UK. It started in the townships of South Africa. Oti returns to her childhood home to revisit the people and places that inspired her to be the dancer and woman she is today.
Oti left South Africa over ten years ago, and the country has changed radically since then. She starts back where her family lived: the township of Mabopane near Pretoria. Here, she goes back to her first school and first dance floor, and there are emotional reunions with her parents and with family and friends from her past. She tracks the journey her family have taken out of poverty and recounts the struggles for money, safety and recognition. Oti and her sisters sold flowers on the streets to pay for dance classes. Now she meets up with Aunt Johanna, who is still running the flower stall.
But the township is not the whole story. Oti takes a winding road trip across the country, through breathtaking landscape and unfamiliar places. Along the way, she finds new inspiration from the people she meets: musicians, farmers, dancers, and particularly from the strong women who are building the new South Africa.
She takes in new music and dance styles in Johannesburg, exploring the break-out Amapiano movement created by the young people of the townships. She takes an emotional detour to the huge resort of Sun City - linked in the UK mind with the excesses of apartheid - but to Oti the location of the dance floor where she realized she could be an international star.
She drives across the inhospitable reaches of the desert interior. And she finally stops and visits places that felt unwelcoming when she was on trips with the family as a child. These are the white Afrikaans areas of South Africa, where conflict over land-rights, race and racism are still very much alive.
She stops at an ostrich farm to meet the Afrikaans farmers who have a very different life and outlook to hers. From there she travels further west to meet up with a woman breaking free from the expectations of the country's past: the country's first female black wine-maker. Through education and hard work Ntsiki Biyela has climbed from being a cleaner to make it as a major exporter, and a trail-blazer in a very conservative industry.
Oti ends her trip in Cape Town, home of her middle sister, Phemelo: the only one of the three Mabuse sisters not to be involved in dance and to have remained in South Africa. In Cape Town Oti visits Robben Island and reflects on what happened to Nelson Mandela and the political leaders of her country’s past. And she reflects on the dark history that, as one of the 'Born Free' generation, she never knew first hand.
She is also invited by a dance leader into one of the dangerous townships around the tourist centre of the city, where she comes face to face with poverty and drug addiction: the entrenched problems of the present.
Her experiences make her reconsider the struggles her family had, to give her the life that she has led. And finally this takes her back home to dig more deeply into her own family's past and their struggles under the apartheid system.
Oti is a joyful companion to take us through this beautiful and diverse country, but this is not a traditional celebrity travelogue. As a black African, her perspective on her homeland is deeper, more personal and more nuanced than any casual visitor from the UK could bring.
Ultimately Oti finds hope in the changes that have happened, and in the young people and the strong women she meets who are so focused on continuing to drive through that change.

Technical Specs
Video Codec: x265 CABAC Main@L4
Video Bitrate: CRF 21 (~2635Kbps)
Video Resolution: 1920x1080
Video Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Frame Rate: 25 FPS
Audio Codec: AAC-LC
Audio Bitrate: 128Kbps CVBR 48KHz (199Kbps peak)
Audio Channels: 2
Run-Time: 58 mins
Number Of Parts: 1
Part Size: 1.12 GB
Source: HDTV (1080i/h264 4757Kbps VBR 2.22GB)
Encoded by: JungleBoy


外语原版纪录片《 Oti Mabuse: My South Africa /Oti Mabuse:我的南非》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载



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上一篇:外语原版纪录片《 Okinawa: The Afterburn /冲绳:后燃》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载
下一篇:外语原版纪录片《 A People in the Shadows /阴影中的人们》原版无字/外挂字幕 - 纪录片1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘迅雷下载

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